Since announcing that residents and staff are self isolating "as a family", with staff living in campervans on site, we have been filmed by the BBC and contacted by local media. Please view the story at the links below.

We have also had a great response on our Facebook page with lots of people commenting.......
Saw this on the news. Absolutely amazing commitment and sacrifice on the part of the staff concerned. Total Heroes xx
Fantastic care guys are the best. Total dedication to your residents. Stay safe everyone. Xx
What a wonderful idea and true dedication on the staffs part. Well done xx
Well done to the carers staying to keep their patients & every1 safe👏👏👏👏brill thing to do & well done to the company that supplied the camper vans❤
Sending lots of love from everyone at Crown Nursery. Take care and stay safe xx
Our staff have shown exemplary care in the current crisis and the Trustees wish to thank them for their courage and selflessness.